17 Ekim 2010 Pazar

Evde doğumu sonuna kadar destekliyorum!

Çok etkilendim peaceful parenting sitesinde gördüğüm,sezaryen kesisi izini gösteren aşağıdaki resimden:

Balta unutur...Ağaç hatırlar...( Afrika atasözü )

Ve aşağıdaki şiir:

Because we are too short,
too tall,
too thin,
too small of foot,
too old,
too young,
too wide,

and our pelvises are too narrow,
too small,
too untried,
or unproven,
or the wrong shape,

and our uteruses are too scarred,
or pointing the wrong way,

or we are too multiparous,
too fertile,
too infertile,
too female,
too small,
too big,
too fat,
too emotional,
too detached,
too strong,
too weak,
too intelligent,
too well designed to birth,
not designed well enough,

and our vaginas are too scarred,
too unproven,
not stretchy enough,
or too stretchy,

and we're too inconvenient,
too unpredictable,
too demanding,
too informed,
too loud,
too messy,

and our bodies labour too long,
or not long enough,

and our cervices don't dilate 1 cm an hour on command,

and because when you hire a surgeon you get surgery,

and hospitals are for sick people,

and for so many other reasons,

we are part of the HOMEBIRTH movement.

~ Janet Fraser

Bütün hislerimi dile getirmiş.

Normal seyreden bir hamilelik süreci sonunda gerek ilk doğumda,gerekse sezaryen sonrası vajinal doğumda,en yakın hastaneye makul bir sürede ulaşım şartıyla, evde doğumu sonuna kadar destekliyorum.En doğrusu olduğuna inanıyorum.

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